Cuauhtli (IPA: [ˈkʷaːʍ.tɬi]) – in Nahuatl language it means eagle or a large hawk in general; also, the Golden Eagle; a calendrical marker; and, a person’s name (attested as male). In Nahua culture eagles were associated with sun and warriors.
“Cuauhtli”: is an action adventure fantasy comic about eponymous travelling mercenary warrior set in a fictional world inspired by cultures of pre-Columbian civilizations, like Aztecs (Mexica) (and other Nahua peoples), Maya etc.
An epic story of both adventure and self-discovery in ever changing world, with a cast of colourful characters, supernatural phenomena, magic, politics and mystery.
Rated 16+ years age rating for brief nudity and violence.
Q: Is “Cuauhtli” set in historical times?
A: No. This is not historical setting, but a made up fantasy world inspired by mythology and history of Mesoamerica. And lets be clear: while it is intended to be inspired by Mesoamerican precolonial cultures it must not be viewed as historically accurate representation of them. It is NOT a historical setting.